Lidz, Franz. "Revenge of the Vikings." Smithsonian 1 Mar. 2014 44-49. Print.
The correct citation for a Works Cited page begins with the author's name, last name first. Then the title of the article. After the title of the periodical followed by the date and page numbers. In most Works Cited entries, the author's last name is first followed by the title. Just knowing this gets us to the correct answer immediately.
FYI - These are not in-text citations. An in-text citation for this source would be (Lidz 45), if the information was found on page 45.
Works Cited page
Any source information you include in the text must match the source information listed on the Works Cited page. More specifically, the first thing on the left-hand margin of the relevant entry on the Works Cited page must be whatever signal word or phrase you offer to your readers in the text.
The prepositional phrase of "James told me a story I had never heard until today," is "until today." The preposition is "until."
Along the seabed, anchors from boats often cause damage to the reef.