It translates to: How are you on this beautiful day?
Salut !
Notre "équipe" joue un match cet après-midi.
Le tarot est un "jeu" de cartes.
Mon livre préféré, c'est une "bande-dessinée" (or : BD) de Tintin, Le sceptre d'Ottokar.
J'aime "jouer" aux cartes avec ma grand-mère.
Pour devenir (To become) champion de volley, je "m'entraine" tous les jours.
Le dimanche, nous "courons" beaucoup, environ (about) cinq kilomètres.
Mon "sport" préféré, c'est le foot.
Mon père "aide" mon frère à préparer son match de tennis.
J'aime mieux "aller" dans les Alpes que dans le Colorado.
Il faut réparer la table, mais je n'aime pas "bricoler".
John Dalton olan bilim adamı söylemiştir. İyi dersler
(A) 1. I know that French is spoken almost everywere around the world.
2. French comes second after english
3. Learning French can benifit your career ( depending on what the career is)
(B) 1. I want to learn how to prounouce things in French a little better
2. I want to learn why French Is such a popular language around the globe
3. I want to know how French became an actually, official language and how it spread throughout the globe.
1. In Belgium, most Dutch-speakers live in the north and most French-speakers live in the south. What is the most likely reason for this divide?
A. Belgium was once two separate countries of Flemia and Walloo.
2. What is the main difference between the two styles of music popular in La Réunion?
C. Séga is performed only in Parisian French and Maloya is performed only in Créole.
3.Choose the best answer to the following question.
Tu te fâches souvent
A. Oui, je me fâche souvent.