Grendel fears Hrothgar because of the Shaper. The Shaper has made Hrothgar so much more of a magnificent figure than he was before. In sense, the Shaper "shaped" Hrothgar's feats and reputation to a more amplified one, making Grendel fear the new and great Hrothgar by the skill of poetry and speech.
Explanation:Mom. And. Dad. I. Would love to. go. To camp. because. i. need the experience,if. You. help me. out i. promise. i. will. do. Good ,and if you. let me go i will help you pay. Without all. the. periods.
Jack made terrible decisions and disregarded the counsel of people who are knowledgeable due to his overconfidence in his own talents.
<h3>What is
Jack London's message in To Build a Fire?</h3>
Jack London's traditional flair has produced an engaging and unforgettable tragic story that exemplifies a contemporary philosophical issue.
The main theme of this narrative is about a man's quest to find purpose in his suffering while living alone in a hostile and unsympathetic world.
Thus, Jack made terrible decisions and disregarded the counsel
For more details about Jack London's message in To Build a Fire, click here:
B. An important victory for the abolition movement.
I majored in History
Amistad mutiny (1839) slave rebellion that took place on the slave ship Amistad near the coast of Cuba and had important political and legal repercussions in the American abolition movement.