It means "We'll raise a generation, selflessly loyal to communism."
□Hey did u see trump's video?
■ was released a long time ago tho...
□Good thing he is not going to win
■ he is a changed person now...people can change...besides just locker room talk
□Dude Hillary has never done something like that ever...I'd think that you being a woman would be against trump
■in my eyes, Hillary is so mischivous and sketchy...have you seen her emails?
□And how many woman said trump hurt them???
■ only 5 liars
□Actually it's 12 victims now
■I am done with this rn
The president's pardon power is limited to federal offenses; the Constitution only grants the president the power to pardon "[o]ffenses against the United States." An offense that violates state law, but not federal law, is an offense against that state rather than an offense against the United States.