c. it is a pure market economy.
Internationalists have been fighting for over 4 decades to protect children from becoming soldiers. There have been many court cases and laws enacted to prevent exploitation of children.
Laws have prohibits military recruitment for people under 15, and the International Criminal Court now recognizes breaking this law as a war crime.
OPAC (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child) focuses on ending children soldiers. This treaty prohibits recruiting anyone under the age of 18, or even asking them to engage in any hostile activities.
Many states have signed OPAC, and other international laws are helping in this effort, such as the International Labour Organization and the African Union's Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
Congress was concerned about how admitting it as a slave state would affect representation and the balance of power between states.
During that period, Missouri was a huge area that was called Missouri Territory and by 1819, there were enough people in part of that so it could be considered a state. But to be considered a state the Congress had to approve it.
In that period there was a struggle between free states and pro-slavery states the union wanted a balance between those two and the addition of a new state could ruin that balance.
The admission of Missouri would have added a slave state to the Senate and left northern non-slave states as a minority. This is the reason the application of Missouri caused a two-year debate.
<span>How to divide the Western Lands
The Land Ordinance of 1785 addressed the issue of how to divide the western lands acquired by the United States in the Treaty of Paris. 2. When the population reaches60,000, a territory can apply for statehood. Slavery is banned.