Common change is around all environments, from pretators, prey, food supply, and many more simple things. But change realy never happens unless its is forced. Natural selection
Take EDM for example; it's a combination of words and sounds all cramed together to create a piece of music, most of the time it has no official reason or back story but is simply made to be enjoyed. This concept is the same with Jazz music. When jazz was invented there was no definitive reason or way to play it, you just grabbed an instrument and started playing whatever cords and rhythms you thought sounded nice.
A diegetic piece of music is meant to characterize or emphasize some part of the film. It should be used sparingly.
A score is a piece of incidental music to act as a background. If it is continuous, it can destroy the mood as it competes with what is going on in the film.
The statement can be true.
because perspective have three sides and they converge at a vanishing point
I did this for free points