Answer: Option B.
Necessary for the transport of dietary lipids
Lacteals are specialized lymphatic capillaries that are finger like projections that extend into the small intestine. They are found in the intestinal villi of small intestine.
They transport absorbed dietary fats from the small intestine into the blood stream.
b. reactions in the electron transport chain
Oxidative phosphorylation, which is the process described in this question, is the third stage of cellular respiration which occurs in the MITOCHONDRION of eukaryotic cells. In this stage of oxidative phosphorylation, which encompasses electron transport chain (ETC) and chemiosmosis, ATP is synthesized.
The ATP is synthesized when protons (H+) move from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, forming, a proton pump. The series of electron transfers (reactions) that occur in the complexes of the ETC provides the ENERGY to pump the protons/hydrogen ions out of the matrix, which creates the electrochemical gradient required for ATP synthesis with the help of ATP synthase.
1. 15,000 years ago the humans were still hunter-gatherers. Their daily lives were largely based around one thing, finding enough food to survive through the next few days. This means that they had to constantly be on the move, be it for hunting animals, or for finding rich places with eatable plants. There was lot of walking, running, and scouting involved every day. It was a lifestyle of ''living through the day''.
2. During this period of time, the diet of the humans was consisted of animals they hunted, fish, and plants. There were differences from region to region though, so the people that lived along the coastline based their diet on marine animals, the ones that were living in colder regions were eating mostly meat, while the ones living in forested areas or grasslands had combination of plants and meat. The lifestyle in general was moving from place to place, be it on a daily basis, weakly, or seasonally, depending on the conditions. Some of these people were making small shelters, some of which were retractable and they were moving them with them, while others were using caves.
3. There are many difference between the forager peoples and the agriculturalists. The foragers were nomads, thus they were moving very often from one place to another, while the agriculturalists were having a settled lifestyle. The nomads very often had bad injuries which were often fatal, usually because of hunting, while the agriculturalists had much better health because they had much safer lifestyle. The foragers were not able to produce their own food, but instead they were relying on mother nature, while the agriculturalists were producing their own food and had the food problem solved.
The rate limiting reaction of aerobic respiration involves the phosphorylation of fructose phosphate by the enzyme phosphofructokinase. The rate at which this enzyme makes product is [increased, decreased] when ATP levels rise because the molecule ATP binds to an allosteric site on the enzyme and acts as a direct inhibitor. When ATP levels fall AMP binds to the allosteric site of phosphofructokinase. This interaction leads to an increase of cellular ATP, so that this is an example of a negative feedback loop.
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