The one when u die and the foodm stoore
A Lipid because it's a fresh osmosis they are always active
The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer.
The cell membrane is primarily composed of a mix of proteins and phospholipids
Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes. They a head and a tail. The head is hydrophilic (attracted to water) and the tail is hydrophobic (repelled by water).
They form a bilayer in which their hydrophilic heads face the aqueous cytosol and extracellular fluid while their hydrophobic tails face away from the cytosol and extracellular fluid.
The lipid bilayer is semi - permeable
Fluke don't contain bones, while fins do. Flukes go fast while fins steer. Flukes also manage temperature control.
H is grana, i is ATP, J is Calvin cycle, A is sugar, e is electron transport chain, c is Krebs cycle,