a) The question "Do pumpkins grow bigger when fed milk?" it is already a hypothesis, which means that to apply the scientific method, we should establish an experiment, where we would select a squash squash, feed some with milk and some without milk and wait a certain period of time. After that time, we could move on to the stage of the scientific method called "evaluation of results" where we would evaluate the differences in development and size between the pumpkins that were fed with milk and those that were not. After that we would go to the phase called "conclusion" where based on the comparison of the results we would answer the hypothesis shown above.
b) A scientific question could be "Can bean seeds germinate in sterile soil?"
Scientific method is a set of steps that must be followed when someone wants to prove a hypothesis based on experimental and scientific data. These steps are: visualization of something questionable, formulation of the hypothesis about it, establishment of a scientific experiment to test the hypothesis, evaluation of the results of the experiment and conclusion.
A scientific question is every question that you can perform a scientific experiment to answer it. This scientific experiment is carried out with the steps of the scientific method.