If you've noticed that you're often sick, feel fatigued or have other nagging symptoms you can't figure out, it may mean your immune system is weakened (OwO)
Your immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition. AIDS. HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system. People with HIV/AIDS become seriously ill with infections that most people can fight off.
Any physical characteristic can be passed on from generation to generation. However, some characteristics are influenced by the environment as well as having a genetic predisposition for that specific trait.
Carbohydrates glycaemic index (GI)
Glycemic index estimates
carbohydrates containing food based on how they increase the glucose in the
body. Foods are rated by comparing them to a reference food. Foods with high glycaemic
index increases blood glucose than foods with average or low glyceamic index. When taking foods with high GI, low GI foods
should be combined with it in order to balance the meal. Examples of low GI
foods are corn, most fruits, and yam. Medium GI foods include pita bread and
whole wheat. Puffed rice, instant oatmeals are examples of foods with high GI.
the first things to resettle after some type of environmental disturbance, such as a volcanic eruption that destroys the environment, are fungus, lichen and spores.