Instruction: Compare the following well-formed translations with grammatically incorrect sentences (indicated with an asterisk a
t the beginning) and note any patterns you recognize:
English Right Wrong
This book Este libro *Estos libro
These chairs Estas sillas *Esta sillas
That plate Ese plato *Esos plato
Those cars Aquellos carros *Aquel carros
Those houses Aquellas casas *Aquellos casas
1 answer:
The pattern I see is that you confuse number and gender.
- *Estos libro → It is not written in the plural because it speaks <u>only</u> of a <u>book</u>.
- Esos plato → It is not written in the plural because it <u>only</u> speaks of one <u>dish</u>.
- Aquellos carros → It is not written in the singular and masculine because it speaks <u>many</u> <u>cars</u> (masculine).
- Aquellas casas → It is written in <u>feminine</u> because it talks about some houses (feminine).
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