<span>One should be patient and gather facts before one misinterprets them.
Cassius sees Titinius go down to fight and misunderstands the situation. He thinks that Titinius has been captured and killed because of Pindarus' false report, so takes drastic measures to have Pindarus hold his sword so he can fall on it, dying. </span>
The growers want their profits to be as high as possible
because The pesticides cost the growers too much money.
All these terms are used in reference to a word or expression except for diction that refers to a way of pronouncing.
1. Manner of expressing ideas in words: diction
2. Worn out by use: trite
3. Words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring: slang
4. Used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English : colloquial
5. Stiffly dignified or formal: stilted
6. Not definitely or precisely expressed :vague
The prepositional phrase is beneath