Embrace vulnerability. People who live fear-based lives often have little or no confidence in themselves. ...
Admit you have fears. In addition to opening yourself up to others, admit you have fears. ...
Face your fears. ...
Think positively. ...
Reduce your stress. ...
Demonstrate courage. ...
Cope with risk and uncertainty. ...
Continue to learn.
B: Certainly not the answer. He's not thinking of anything political. Every figure of speech makes the world a wonderful beautiful place filled with the blossoms of spring and the days that hold them. Japanese and Chinese poetry almost always thinks of the smallest details when contemplating the worst things life has to offer.
C: He wasn't hungry, at least not primarily. It wasn't only the fruit's skin he wanted, it was the peaceful shade the orchard offered him.
D and A: A case could be made for either. I find D to be true, but kind of flat. I think A is better because each part of the poem is a small detail of what blossoms mean to him.
John Adams
(1735–1826) since March 4, 1797
Fragment due to the fact that it can be added on to