He divided his kingdom into provinces and had a trusted governor for each one. He also, maintained a large standing army to protect his people.
Answer: they belived the Church of England needed a reform and both believed in original sin and the literal interpretation of the bible as God's word
Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans were English Protestants who believed that the Church of England was in need of reform. Although both were strict Calvinists, they differed in approaches to reforming the Church of England. The Pilgrims were more inclined to separate from the church, while the Puritans wanted to reform the church from within. The Pilgrims were the first group of Puritans to seek religious freedom in the New World. As strict Calvinists, members of both groups believed in original sin, predestination and the literal interpretation of the Bible as God’s word.
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<em>The level of water decreases </em>
a. Hindu belief in reincarnation
The Congressional and Presidential Reconstruction Plans had differences as regards the intensity of amnisty and leniency they managed. President Lincoln believed that he had the power and the obligation to carry on the Reconstruction. However, the Republican Members of the Congress did not agree. They said that it was the Congress the one with the power to reconstruct the south.