I would say the correct answer is A. <span>By comparing and contrasting the judiciary to the other branches of government, Hamilton establishes how its role is similar to and different from the roles of those branches. His formula here is as follows: While the executive and legislative branches are powerful and hold real influence on politics and economy, the judiciary branch has no real power. They control the sword and the purse (which means the army and the economy), while it doesn't control anything. They act while it judges. And it can't even judge without help from the executive.</span>
Across the ash,the new ground,/and go forth in the footprints
America has not changed
Hamilton's America displays how everlasting are the hot topics of today's America: immigration, state rights, debt, income inequality and racial relations. These were the same fights that defined Hamilton's time, and are the driving force of Miranda's historical work.
The role that narration plays in history is a central theme of Hamilton, Hamilton's musical and America. The musical invites the public to reflect: "Who lives, who dies, who tells his story?"
because it's different sentence, because it's different holacaust