Generally speaking, Cuba obtained full autonomy after the Spanish-American War, since the Spanish had had a tight grip on them previously, although Cuba was still reliant on other nations in terms of trade.
Ancestral worship had been deeply rooted in ancient Chinese culture and religion.It involved worship of deceased family members based on the belief that they continued to exist and could influence the lives of the living. Buddhism arrived to China during the 1st century CE. Legends say that Emperor Ming(28-75 CE) was told by his assistant about a God in India who shone like the sun and could fly. So he ordered for Buddhism and its teachings to be brought to China. Buddhism easily combined with folk religion and merged ancestor worship and veneration of Buddha as God.
They had many gods and could choose one to worship
Answer: Prohibition period from the early 1920s.
Many examples throughout history have had both positive and negative effects on society. Prohibition is one of the better examples. If alcohol were banned in the United States today, for example, there would be a "boom" of the country's black market. Alcohol would be made illegally and distributed on the black market. A positive response would be a reduction in the rate of violence and crime, given that a certain percentage of crime is linked to alcohol.
The Prohibition Period, however, proved to be a failed experiment in American history. The black market has risen sharply, and certain criminal groups have profited greatly. That profit is at the expense of the state since it is not legal. The ban creates a grey economy which badly affects the regular economy of the state.