7 percent of men between 60 n 65 years old
Barnes attracted attention during the 1829 evangelistic campaign: in a sermon entitled The Way of Salvation, he rejected the doctrine of original sin and stated that human is a morally free person, free to accept or not accept Christian salvation. Developing and implementing the idea of the New School about spiritual revival, an idea that began with the Second Great Awakening, Barnes at the same time convinced the New School presbyterian that personal revival should entail an active public position. Accordingly, he took an active part in a number of movements for reform, in particular, for the Prohibition and the abolition of slavery.
Because It is an eyewitness account of the atrocities committed at concentration camps written by a former prisoner who experienced them firsthand.
Benjamin Franklin served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Benjamin also negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary war.
President Truman refused to bomb China because he believed it could lead to a war with the Soviet Union.