because the parks and reserves are safe, and they can't be killed there !
A subordinate clause, dependent clause or embedded clause is a clause that is embedded within a complex sentence. For instance, in the English sentence "I know that Bette is a dolphin", the clause "that Bette is a dolphin" occurs as the complement of the verb "know" rather than as a freestanding sentence.
The same number multiplied by 1 because the product of any number multiplied by 0 is 0. if it is multiplied by 1 it will be greater than 0 (unless the number is 0)
I think that would be linking if I'm not wrong
The turtle symbolizes Perseverance.
John Ernst Steinbeck is the American author who wrote many books in the early 1900. He won the noble prize in 1962 for literature. He was well known for his creative imaginative writings. His writings were considered the most realistic writing of the times.
In the book of John Steinbeck, The Turtle, the author symbolizes the turtle with perseverance. He tells with various examples that if a person if persistent in his doings, he will eventually find the success despite all the difficulties and hurdles coming his way.