In general the number of bit registers in Intel 80x86 CPU design when combined together forms a 16 - bit register
An example of the -bit registers are AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL
The 8086 CPU design has a total of eight 8-bit registers and these register can be integrated together to make 16- bit register as well.
The 16-bit data is stored by breaking the data into a low-order byte and high order byte.
The name of the 8 bit registers is shown below:
AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL
Whereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, in the Internet industry they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete one day may be partners the next. So "Lines" cannot be compared to/with internet companies.
The Internet Industry is shaped by its unique framework outlining and its own rules between the companies within it, which offer a vast number of products and services and not always competing with each other compared with the traditional established industries competition lines that were developed from two parties or more aiming the same unshareable goal. These industries are stablishing the lines of competitions predicament which by all means can not be measured and applied using the same criteria for both of them.
The online industry is claiming for flexible, pliant lines of competition to be inforced to its specific logic and mechanisms.
The companies are now in a brand new competing ground with the digital area, so traditional established bart lines of competition although clear and defined are becoming obsolete facing the current surprising thus blurred and indistict internet industry lines.
Page Layout explains how the document pages are going to look like after printing. When we check the layout in Word, then we can see that the page layout covers the elements like margins, number of columns, option for editing the header and footers. Various types of layouts are like a magazine layout, static, adaptive, dynamic, and adaptive as well as responsive layout.
And these page layout techniques are being implemented for customizing the magazine appearance, books, newspapers, websites, and various other sorts of publications. And such page layout covers page's all elements. Some of the best page layout software are:
Microsoft Publishers
Adobe InDesign
Download the free student version of Microsoft Office today, and explore Microsoft publisher to know more about it.
Please check the answer.
sequential files
Data files whose records are always retrieved in sequence from the beginning of the file are
sequential files