Ma matière préférée est le français parce que j'aime beaucoup cette langue.
This would be B. comment
The French adverb <em>comment</em> is one of the most common in the language. It means "how" or "what" and can function as an interrogative or exclamative adverb. In conversation, you <u>may use this word to ask someone's name</u> or t<u>o clarify your understanding</u>. It can even be used <u>as a means of expressing incredulity at something you've heard or read</u>.
<em><u>Select </u></em><em><u>the </u></em><em><u>grammatically </u></em><em><u>correct </u></em><em><u>question </u></em><em><u>to </u></em><em><u>the </u></em><em><u>following </u></em><em><u>response:</u></em>
Y a-t-il des vallées en France?
Oui, il y a des vallées en France.