En marzo de 1959, la obra Una pasa al sol de Lorraine Hansberry debutó en Broadway con excelentes críticas. A sus 29 años, la autora se convirtió en la primera afro que ganó el codiciado Premio del Círculo de Críticos de Teatro de Nueva York. La trama, basada en el racismo que padeció su familia, gira en torno a una familia negra que intenta comprar una casa en un barrio blanco de Chicago.
Main idea of the text:
Gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel can all be used to run an automobile, however, they are comprised of different substances and can't be used interchangeably to power every automobile.
An appropriate title:
Understanding How Gasoline, Diesel, and Biodiesel differentiate.
The passage contains several key points to understand.
One being the types of fuel, the second being <em>how</em> they power an automobile. Additionally, their flammability, what they are made out of, and how you shouldn't use them interchangeably are all stated. The main idea is the combination of these key points to portray the specific conclusion gathered from the passage.
They had the invisibility cloak on so they couldn't be seen be finch peeves or the cat