My choice would be D, because Mount Everest is located in landlocked Nepal.
The only legitimate basis for the formation of a state is the nation.
The formation of a state can be an easy or a very complicated process. Also, it can be done in a peaceful manner, or through usage of violence and military action. The states have been formed in many different ways over the course of the history. The principle of self-determination though states that the only legitimate basis for the formation of a state is the nation.
- This principle seems good and legit, but in practice has turned out to be very problematic.
- Numerous states have been formed without really having a nation, but more a mixture of different people and cultures stuffed together without even asking them for it.
- There a re lot of nations around the world that do not have states, or rather are not allowed to have states, such as the Basques, Catalans, Kurdish etc.
- Some states have been formed because of the interest of other states, like the example of Kosovo in the Balkans.
Learn more about state and nation #learnwithBrainly
Which of the following soil-building processes contributed most to making the shaded area on the map suitable for agriculture? Floods deposited rich silt over the land in a soil-building process that made the land fertile.
I would say America has many different cultures mixed in. So many races live in America .
Volcanic activity, earthquakes along with wind, water and ice erode the land and the landscape dramatically and consistently cause the earth’s surface to be re-shaped and renewed.