Economic and Urban geography are smaller areas of physical geography, would be: False.
Physical geography, also known as Geosystems, or Physiography, is one of the two major branches of Geography, with Human Geography. Whereas the first one deals with the scientific study of the Earth, its physical environment and its natural patterns, Human Geography is the one that studies humans and how in different aspects they interact with their environment. It is also Human Geography that deals with the study of cultural aspects in humans, their communities, how people interact with each other and their environment, among other things. In this order, then, Economic and Urban geography are subcategories of Human Geography and not Physical Geography.
Forming the nations of Bangladesh & Pakistan.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei is closely related to the scientific revolution. His achivements include the improvement of the telescope, the first law of the movement, and a support for the "Copernicus revolution".
In order for democracy to reign in these regions change should be a must. To reform the old system that keep the countries in these region behind the development in these world new systems should be implemented. These reforms would be the only hope for the people of these regions and to gain the truest sense of Democracy that was deprived from the people on these regions.