It means to send a letter...
- Je vais en vacances en Haïti.
- Ma sœur habite au Brésil.
- Est-ce que tu vas à Paris.
- Moi, je suis des Pays-Bas.
Have a good day ! :-)
The colonists became upset with the British and their harsh treatment of them and when the Boston massacre occurred the colonists anger boiled which led to the revolution
Bonjour !!
Woaouhhh !!!
It took me some time to realize what you were asking for !!
The four C's are = Camembert, Cider, Cream, Calvados
Camembert is a cheese (there's a village named Camembert)
Cider is an apple alcohol but rather smooth
Cream ... just no dessert or meals without cream in Normandy !!
Calvados is an apple alcohool as well, but quite stong..emmm very strong !! sort of apple brandy ... some people drink it in the middle of the meal .. it's called "Le trou normand" !! It's meant to give you a 'break' in the middle of the meal and help you for digestion... Never tried it !!!
Happy I found out what you meant !!!
<em>What you must exactly do can't be seen... I don't know if you have to use possessive adjective only, or pronouns as well ...</em>
1- Et ce paquet (cadeau ???)-ci, c'est pour Apolline ? <em>(celui-ci)</em>
2- Beurk! Cette limonade n'est pas bonne!
3- Cette glace-ci a l'air très bonne! <em>(Celle-ci)</em>
4- Ce sont des caramels. <em>(</em><em>ceci</em><em>)</em>
5- Celles-ci sont gazeuses. <em>(Ces boissons sont gazeuses)</em>
6- Ce gâteau est extraordinaire. / Celui-ci est extraordinaire.
if any question, please ask in comment ..
Hope this helps ☺☺☺