<span>1. Complete each sentence below with the correct form of lavarse.
Los muchachos_se lavan ____ las manos.
2.Complete each sentence below with the correct form of acostarse.
Mis hermanos y yo __nos acostamos _____ a las diez.
3.Complete each sentence below with the correct form of acostarse.
Yo _me acuesto___ a las once y media.
4.Complete each sentence below with the correct form of lavarse.
Nosotros__nos lavamos___ los dientes todos los días.
5.Complete each sentence below with the correct form of lavarse.
La muchacha __se lavó____ la cara.
Durante la fiesta, todos bailaban y cantaban mucho.
The verbs must be at 3rd person.
I can. Whats the 2 questions:3
Los turistas comen mariscos.