Apply a theme to your presentation
Open your presentation.
On the Design tab, you'll find design themes in the Themes group.
To preview how the current slide would look with a particular theme applied, rest your pointer over the thumbnail image of that theme.
To view more themes, on the Design tab, in the Themes group, click More More button at the right end of the gallery.
To select and apply a theme, click the thumbnail image of that theme.
Unless you specify otherwise, PowerPoint applies the theme you select to the entire presentation.
To apply a theme to only one or a few slides, select the slide or slides, right-click the theme you want, and select Apply to Selected Slides.
In the Microsoft publisher application (as well as many other websites such as Brainly, Google docs, etc), words underlined in red are spelled incorrectly.
Whether you spelled it incorrectly or did not complete the words, as long as the word is not found in the dictionary, the word would be underlined with a red squiggly line.
Our computers will have system software and application software. Application software would be something like a game or just any general purpose app you've downloaded.
Hopefully, this helps! =)
That is an interactive question.