Can you please tell me the question ?
Because I don't understand what you are searching .
Are there still protests about the Civil Right Movement? Did the law civil rights movement change? How did it end?
Answer: Yes it is
The beautiful thing about fiction is that it can predict how reality will go before reality happens. It can hold up a temporal mirror to society and say to it "if you don't stop what you are doing, this is what will happen".
If we were to rely on non-fiction to teach people all the time then we would only be able to react to problems instead of act to avert them because with reality we can only learn in hindsight.
Fiction can be used to show what will happen if a certain behavior continues or is started thereby convincing people to either continue or stop. Fiction is therefore very useful in convincing people of certain ideas.
In 1879 a group of American citizens came together to to accomplish a dream of bringing art and education to the Americans by making a museum. In the group there were businessmen, financers. leading artists and leading thinkers. On this very day in 1870, it was accomplished and named The Metropolitan Museum of Art. After a short span of time, they even showcased their first piece of artwork, a Roman sarcophagus.