International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.
Each nation should produce goods for which its domestic opportunity costs are lower than the domestic opportunity costs of other nations and exchange those goods for products that have higher domestic opportunity costs compared to other nations.
Benefits of trade include lower prices and better products for consumers, improved political ties among nations, and efficiency gains for domestic producers.
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. Trading-partners reap mutual gains when each nation specializes in goods for which it holds a comparative advantage and then engages in trade for other products. In other words, each nation should produce goods for which its domestic opportunity costs are lower than the domestic opportunity costs of other nations and exchange those goods for products that have higher domestic opportunity costs compared to other nations.
In economics, the production possibility frontier (PPF) is a graph that shows the combinations of two commodities that could be produced using the same total amount of the factors of production. It shows the maximum possible production level of one commodity for any production level of another, given the existing levels of the factors of production and the state of technology.
PPFs are normally drawn as extending outward around the origin, but can also be represented as a straight line. An economy that is operating on the PPF is productively efficient, meaning that it would be impossible to produce more of one good without decreasing the production of the other good. For example, if an economy that produces only guns and butter is operating on the PPF, the production of guns would need to be sacrificed in order to produce more butter. If production is efficient, the economy can choose between combinations (i.e., points) on the PPF: B if guns are of interest, C if more butter is needed, or D if an equal mix of butter and guns is required.
The correct answer is D: economies of scale
Economies of scale are the diminished cost by companies when production becomes efficient. Companies can achieve economies of scale by increasing production and lowering costs. <u>This happens because fixed costs are spread over a larger number of goods.</u> There are implications in variable costs as well (for example in obtaining discounts by large purchases from suppliers). In general, the larger the scale, the more cost savings.
The cost per unit depends on how much the company produces. Larger companies can produce more by spreading the cost of production over a larger amount of goods. Specialization of labor and more integrated technology boost production volumes. Lower per-unit costs can come from bulk orders from suppliers, larger advertising buys, or lower cost of capital. Spreading internal function (for ex: accounting, information technology, and marketing) costs across more units produced and sold helps to reduce costs.
Centralized Organization vs. Decentralized Organization. The centralized organization can be characterized as a progression basic leadership structure where all choices and procedures are taken care of entirely at the best or the official level.
The way toward exchanging and allotting basic leadership specialist to bring down levels of a hierarchical chain of importance. In a decentralized association, the basic leadership has been moved to bring down levels or levels of the association, for example, divisions, branches, offices or auxiliaries.</span>
(1) Pe =0.3Pm + 0.15 Pa
Pm = 0.7Pe + 0.2 Pm + 0.3 Pa
Pa = 0.3 Pe + 0.5Pm +0.55 Pa
(2) The free variable Pa = 100
We create a table of outputs using the given percentages economy distribution
Energy Manufacturing agriculture Purchased by
0 0.3 0.15 energy
0.7 0.2 0.3 manufacturing
0.3 0.5 0.55 Agriculture
Let Pe Pm, Pa represent the prices for each sector
We then create an income equation using the expenses of the table above
Pe =0.3Pm + 0.15 Pa
Pm = 0.7Pe + 0.2 Pm + 0.3 Pa
Pa = 0.3 Pe + 0.5Pm +0.55 Pa
Note: Kindly find an attached copy of part of the solution to the given question and complete question to of this exercise below
The agency agreement is terminated upon destruction of the property.