A copyright is a form of protection available to the creator of an original artistic, musical, or literary work, such as a book, movie, software program, song, or painting.
The ownership and management of the rights to the use and distribution of particular creative works, such as songs, films, books, and computer programs, is referred to legally as copyright. The ability to prevent unapproved or uncredited use of one's work is provided by copyright, which is essential for maintaining the value of the work produced by the author, professor, or researcher.
The financial rights that come with copyright protection give authors and other creatives the ability to exert control over how their works are used in a range of settings, such as producing copies, performing in public, broadcasting, using online and on the internet, etc.
To know more about copyright refer to: brainly.com/question/14704862
The idea of the mosque is to assist Muslims on their mission of purifying the world. In essence, the mosque is related to all aspects of the life of devout Muslims and is the vehicle by which Muslims engage in the affairs of the world, both as individuals and as communities.
Of all Muslim institutions, the mosque is the most important place for the public expression of Islamic religiosity and communal identity. A mosque is a physical manifestation of the public presence of Muslims and serves as a point of convergence for Islamic social and intellectual activity.
A. Emphasizes. Because their are many different ways something can be displayed using art the artist chooses what to emphasize or “highlight” in order to communicate their vision.
When the score is 0-0; a situation where neither team is winning nor do they want to risk losing; often collocates with the verb ‘to break’.
Example: Modric broke the stalemate with a goal from outside the box.