Andy Warhol's pop art paintings and screen prints, made in the 70's and 80's before his untimely death; throughout his life he was a renowned illustrator and created vast collections of images which have become iconic images of the era, including many works on "Campbell's Soup Cans" and Marilyn Diptychs" where he explored the ideas of commodification, consumerism, and celebrity culture through the lens of mass-production.
Tutti....ritornello (for apexvs)
nose 1 is perfect because every human beings have one nose so,
1.The Roccoco period
I'm still debating if the order for 1 and two are correct since Romanticism first was defined around 1800, and the Roccoco period was around the same time late 17th early 18th century. But since Roccoso seems to be defined first I would put it that way. Then impression around 1886, and cubism starting around 1907-08.