Third option, compound verb
if you're waiting for a table for over an hour, you wouldn't become short-sighted. Or narrow minded. Or participatory. You'd feel the opposite of excited or anticipatory, which is why impatient is the best answer.
Drafting an outline of the essay
Punctuation is required in all of the paper
1. On <em>October 31, 1517</em>, Martin Luther put a list of grievances against the Catholic Church onto the door of a chapel in Wittenberg, Germany. It is called “Ninety-five Theses” which triggered the Protestant Reformation.
2. <em>1534 </em>Act of Supremacy declared Henry the "Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England" which was his split from Catholic Church.
3. After the split from Catholic church, one of the acts of English Reformation was Edward VI's (1537-1553) reformation of the Anglican Church.
4. After Edward VI death, Mary I reconciled with the pope and restored Catholicism in England during<em> 1553-1558.</em>
5. When Queen Elizabeth I came to power in <em>1558</em>, it was believed that she would restore Protestant belief.