A. deep and dynamic
Zeus is a god he powerful and away to show that is he voice.
Mink uses a mix of pathos, ethos, and logos.
Mink’s use of pathos is effective because she appeals to common emotions of belonging and identity. Her use of ethos is effective because she reminds her audience of her credibility as a member of Congress. Her use of logos is effective because she calls upon a variety of facts, evidence, and statistics to support her argument.
Rhetorical Devices
What rhetorical devices does Mink use to strengthen her argument?
How are they effective?
Mink uses a series of rhetorical questions to strengthen her argument.
Mink’s use of rhetorical questions is effective because it invites the audience to consider a solution to the questions she poses. They also allow her to emphasize a point or set up a solution she proposes.
I have not encountered a wise person but I would recognise him /her as a wise person if he/she would always speak the truth.