20 newtons
You have to subtract the smaller force from the larger since the forces are being pushed in opposite directions.
The answer would be proper strength since others do not make sense in detailed.
on a tyrosine residue
bind to insulin
The insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1) is a signaling protein that can be phosphorylated on multiple tyrosine and serine/threonine residues. IRS1 contains several conserved domains including a pleckstrin (PH) domain and a PTB domain involved in protein phosphorylation and ligand binding. In the first place, IRS1 is phosphorylated on a tyrosine residue, and then IRS1 binds to insulin or the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), thereby activating transduction pathways such as, for example, MAPK/ERK. Moreover, RS1 is also phosphorylated on serine residues, thereby triggering opposite effects in insulin-associated signaling.