The correct match is given below:
- A flower containing a pistil, stamen, calyx, and corolla – Complete flower. When a flower consists of essential whorls pistil and stamen and accessory whorls calyx and corolla, the flower is said to be complete.
- The collective term for the petals of a flower- Corolla. The corolla is a accessory whorl which consist s of its unit called petal.
- It has pistils, but no stamens - Female flower. A flower with only pistil is called unisexual pistillate flower.
- A stalk which supports the anther – Filament. A typical stamen consists of an anther, connective and a filament.
- A flower that lacks one or more of the following parts: pistil, stamen, calyx, or corolla corolla.—Incomplete flower. A flower which lacks any of the essential or accessory whorl is called incomplete flower.
- A flower that has male parts only – Male flower. A flower with only stamen is called unisexual staminate flower.
- A spore produced by meiosis – Meiospores. Spores can produced by mitosis or meiosis. If it is produced as a result of mitosis it is said to be mitospores.
Ultraviolet is <span>responsible for causing sunburn </span>
Answer: Option A. "In front of the patient, pointing at his navel"
The X-ray of abdominal cavity is known as Abdominal x-ray. It has same principle as X-ray and uses ionizing radiation to take pictures of inner parts of abdominal cavity such as intestine, stomach, liver and spleen. it is used to diagnose patients with vomiting, unexplained pain, and nausea.
While diagnosing patient's abdominal cavity, x-ray technician position the camera in front of the patient, pointing at his navel in order to produce a frontal view of abdominal cavity.
Talking about a x-ray machine, it is a compact apparatus which can be taken to the patient in a hospital bed or the emergency room. The x-ray tube connects flexible arm which further extends towards the patient and an x-ray film holder (image recording) plate is placed under the patient.
The technologist will ask the patient to take position on the x-ray table or bed and will position x-ray machine over the abdominal area of the patient, in order to take the frontal view of abdominal cavity. The patient will be asked to hold their breathe to get a clear picture. The technician will turn on the x-ray machine that allows x-ray machine to produce a small burst of radiation which passes through the abdominal area and records the frontal view of patient's abdominal cavity. As a result, soft tissue shows up in shades of gray and air appears black while bones appear white on the x-ray, through which patient can be diagnosed.
Hence, the correct option is A "In front of the patient, pointing at his navel".
White blood cells increase as they are the cells that destroy pathogens
The number of predators and preys change from time to time following
cycles. Whenever there is fewer prey, predators start dying because they
have not enough to eat; however, that provokes the population of prey
to be increased while there are fewer predators. So if suddenly the
number of prey gets bigger, regardless of the number of predators, the
cycles get disturbed by this sudden occurrence. The predators will get
more to hunt, therefore getting more violent.