The tone of Beowulf is melancholy. Although the poem celebrates the deeds of Beowulf and other great leaders, this celebration is infused with an understanding that even the greatest leaders, and the most morally good—by pagan standards—are dead and gone.
I believe C would be the correct answer.
D is very easily excluded, the URL path doesn't matter.
A is excluded because the name of your blog doesn't tell you how to present your information to your audience.
B is excluded because I believe bloggers are speaking on their opinions, they're not worried about mainstream media, they're presenting info geared towards their audience.
Answer:Willie May - Housekeeper of the Kentucky Star. Though uneducated, she gives sage advice to Rob and Sistine, leading Sistine to claim she is a prophetess. She and Rob both have a connection to losing a loved one.
An interjection is a connector. Its is thrown is to dialogue, for example: