Answer: Unfair treatment is treating workers unfairly or poorly.
unfair treatment means that your employer can dismiss you from work at any time for any reason, or no reason at all. This also means that your employer can take action against you and “harass” you in the genetic sense.
DO you want some freshavacado?
The word pants suits should be pant suit
The correct answer is <u>A</u>: It gives a poem a sense of rhythm.
In her poem "Miss Rosie", Lucille Clifton repeats the phrase "when I watch you" in order to give a poem a sense of rhythm. She uses this phrase to introduce new ideas and new thoughts, by establishing an even and steady rhythm through her poem.
The poem describes an insignificant and ugly old woman, and Clifton expresses her respect for Miss Rosie's age, as she represents old people, who were respected and cherished in the best years of her life.
To swear an oath of brotherhood
The three rioters swore an oath to kill death but greed took a tow on them and they ended up killing each other because of eight bushels of gold they each wanted for their vices.