They led those who favored the Constitution.
Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were two of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and leaders of the Federalist party as well, who, along with John Jay, wrote the Federalist Papers (1787), which consisted of a series of essays that explained and support the proposed Constitution. Through these essays, Madison, Hamilton, and Jay aimed to lead those who favored the Constitution and persuade the opponents to ratify it as it would empower the federal government to act firmly and coherently in the national interest.
The Articles of Confederation, sanctioned in 1777 by the Continental Congress, were the first fundamental norm of the United States, just after the American Revolution had begun and the independence of the nation from Great Britain was declared.
Through these Articles the political structure of the United States was organized, which established a collegiate government through the Congress of the Confederacy, which was made up equally by a representative from each of the 13 states of the country.
However, when it was proposed to modify this situation, the less populated states spoke out against it. This was so because the most populated states proposed a system of proportional representation based on the population of each state, with which the smaller states would see their political power reduced compared to larger states, such as Virginia or Massachusetts.
Three weeks too late... but
Magyars -con hungry
Muslims - invaded from Spain, con Sicily
Vikings- invaded Scandinavia , raided monsataries
The Umayyads were unable to conquer the nascent Christian Kingdoms in the North which included but were not limited to: Leon, Castille, the Basque Territories, and the Catalonian Counties. In addition, the Umayyads were not able to prevent the fragmentation of their territory into the Taifa Kingdoms in 1038.
Leeches if not then it would be baracuda