Unity is the appearance or condition of oneness in a work of art.
Unity in art refers to the phenomenon when one element in a work of art is connected to another element or elements. Unity in art makes it wholesome, harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Unity in a work of art makes the viewer perceive it holistically rather than focusing on individual details. Attached are two examples of unity in artwork.
Fiat money is the term used to refer to money that has value because the government has declared that it is an acceptance means to pay debts.
Example of fiat money are paper money and coins with "this note is legal tender for all debts private and public."
remote desktop connection
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this situation any remote desktop connection would work. This can be done with a specific program or many times it comes as a feature of the operating system. This function allows you to connect a computer to another computer that is in another location, see the destination computer's desktop and interact with anything connected to that computer. Such as a home server.
He used a combination of his personal charisma and intelligence, the feudal system, the Church, and war in order to create the greatest Empire since the time of the Romans. His dislike of corruption, and his power in battle all contributed to his success as Emperor.
Charlemagne himself was the key to his own success. He himself was a charismatic man, with an incredible amount of vital energy, and a desire to do well. An example of this was that he studied a lot, and made "heroic efforts" to learn to write, according to Einhard, his biographer. As we will see later on, education was a major part of Charlemagne's regime. He also was an honest and normal person, and disliked the regal trappings of his court.