wdym by this can you explain and then i can answer for you because im confused here.
This list of vocabulary terms would be most useful to a student writing a research paper titled: <u>British Settlement and Colonization of Georgia</u>.
The people of Salzburg are German-speaking Protestant refugees; they immigrated to the Georgia Colony to escape religious discrimination.
<u>Highland Scots</u> are the warriors from the Scotland. They were invited to Georgia to train their weak militants and defend the colony from Spain.
Scottish immigrants are known as <u>malcontents</u>. They wish to grab large area of plantation land and make slaves to work in that land.
<u>Savannah</u> covers the coastal area of the Georgia city. Savannah is known for its architecture and history.
<u>James Edward Oglethorpe</u> was the founder of colony of Georgia.
Answer: The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that was introduced on December 2, 1823.The Monroe Doctrine became the cornerstone of America's
foreign policy for almost 100 years. It also enabled the
nations of Latin America to pursue policies free from the European influences. However, it has also created some problems with certain Latin American countries who feel that America's self-appointed "big brother" status is unwarranted.