Lingviștii examinează relația dintre limbajul scris și cel vorbit, precum și structurile neuronale care stau la baza noastră care ne permit să folosim limbajul.
The main reason the Catholic Church opposed the teaching of heliocentrism as a fact was that it was contrary to the science of the time. Amongst the modern myths about early science is the persistent idea that the opposition to heliocentrism was one of "science" versus "religion".
1. Catherine n’est pas allée à la classe de français car elle avait la grippe.
2. Jérôme n’est pas allé au cinéma car il avait mal à la tête.
3. Isabelle n’est pas allée au restaurant car elle n’avait pas faim.
4. Marc n’est pas allé au stade car il était fatigué.
5. Thomas n’est pas allé au concert car il n’avait pas de billet.
6. Hélène n’est pas allée au musée car elle voulait ranger sa chambre.
7. Monsieur Panisse n’est pas allé au bureau car c’était samedi.
8. Nous ne sommes pas allés à la plage car il faisait froid.
9. Vous n’êtes pas allés en ville car il pleuvait.
Have a good day ! :-)
1. It is half past ten in the evening. (10:50pm)
2. It is two o'clock in the afternoon. (2:00pm)
3. It is a quarter past eight in the evening. (8:25pm)
4. It is a quarter to midnight. (12:25am or 11:35pm)
5. It is six twenty-five in the evening. (6:25pm)
6. it is three in the morning. (3:00am)