A. to gurantee equality of African Americans
Chiaroscuro to make figures in paintings look real and solid.
Figures with pleasing proportion, accurate anatomy, ideal beauty, and physical perfection.
Sfumato to create a smoky or hazy appearance in paintings.
A. He worked for Time Magazine.
He worked for Time Magazine, writing reviews of book and films. That was something strange from an ex-spy I suppose.
But he must have did a decent job at it, since he held the position for almost 10 years. Never judge a book by its cover. :-)
After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the ensuing Civil War produced acute food shortages in southwestern Russia. Wartime devastation was compounded by two successive seasons of drought, and by 1920 it was clear that a full-scale famine was under way in the Volga River Valley, Crimea, Ukraine, and Armenia. Conditions were so desperate that in early 1920 the Soviet government sent out a worldwide appeal for food aid to avert the starvation of millions of people.
They needed natural resources from other countries.
Factory owners in the advanced economies required natural resources from other countries. Coal, iron, gold, silver, tin, copper, rubber, and cotton were essential to keep the factories operating. They could be taken from colonies. These same countries required markets for their manufactured products.