Little to no safety regulations and many child workers.
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When it came to the Congress to approve the joining of the United States in the League of Nations it was blocked by the Republican opposition, especially from Senators William Borah and Henry Cabot (D).
The U. S. public opinion was still disappointed over the outcomes of the war. Also, the Republican Senators did not like what they thought to be a violation of the U.S. sovereignity: the covenant of the League in it's Article X predicted that in case of a member being attacked all the others should defend it.
This added to the historical isolationism of U.S. diplomacy stopped the country from joining the League of Nations despite its inspiration on President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
Muhammad's (p.b.u.h), at the age of 40 years, received His first revelation from the God in 610 AD. <span>Angel Jibril Gabriel visited The Prophet of God and revealed the message of God starting from the Arabic word IQRA, which mean read. This was the time when the Prophet was given orders by God to reveal the truth to the people and guide them with to the principles of Islam. Later, the friends of the Prophet gathered all the revelations in the form of a proper book called QURAN. It consists of 30 chapters.</span>