The fill in the blank section:
3/4 and 4/4
The section beneath:
1) Add one more note to the first measure and second measure
2) Add two more notes to the first and second measure.
Sorry if this is wrong, I haven't been in choir for a little while and I may not remember things correctly.
Bartok was inspired by Stravinsky’s work to put a more traditional and often Baroque forms in pieces of his “middle period” such as Cantata Profana and Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta. <span>Stravinsky’s influence waned after the rise of postwar serialism. Messiaen used techniques that were clearly Stravinsky-like, though, such as melodic fragments of different metrical lengths repeating themselves and intersecting in different ways.</span>
Built in 427 B.C. by Callicrates, it was the first temple built on the Acropolis built in the Ionic style. There are four columns surrounding the two porches of the building. The cella (the inner chamber) has undecorated walls but there are many reliefs spread throughout the structure.
Piero della Francesca
Piero della Francesca is an early Renaissance painter who was born in Italy. His works are characterized by calm humanism, and investigation of perspectives which had influences during the Renaissance period. Some of his works include the baptism of Christ, Nativity e.t.c. He was also one of the authors of the art-theory treatise on perspective for painting