Starbucks doesn’t support the military so I don’t know
This is 'Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird' by the iconic Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Completed with oil paint on canvas, Frida wanted to represent the emotional distress she was going through at the time. The branches appear as if they're suffocating her, much like her former husband, who she had just divorced. It serves to tell how she was feeling about her situation, but it still manages to be beautiful, showing her resilience.
Studying other speakers is a critical skill, one of the 25 essential skills for a public speaker. The ability to analyze a speech will accelerate the growth of any speaker.
The Speech Analysis Series is a series of articles examining different aspects of presentation analysis. You will learn how to study a speech and how to deliver an effective speech evaluation. Later articles will examine Toastmasters evaluation contests and speech evaluation forms and resources