The theme of the battlefield of racial strife, where no one is sure. Likewise, no one is immune to the pervasive anger that drives violence - and changes lives .
'The Crash' provides provocative, bold look at the complexity of racial strife in America, presenting a rare cinematic experience - a film that will make anyone question their prejudices.
Because the movie "Crash" being fun, powerful and always unpredictable, boldly explores the gray areas between black and white, victim and assailant and shows that there are no simple solutions.
Diving into the incredible mix of races in Los Angeles after the biggest terrorist attack in US history, this powerful urban drama explores fear and hypocrisy from multiple perspectives of characters entering and exiting the lives of one or the other.
Although each of us has a moral obligation and responsibility not to interfere with the rights of others, there are no duties that must be fulfilled in order for human rights to be "deserved". The Crash discuss how the pace of negative experiences encourage racial intolerance and question these basic postulates.
Negative experiences can affect a person’s view of the world and others and it is not uncommom that rasicsm and nationalism effect more radical behaviour. However, human rights are essential - They are based on the recognition of the true value of every human beings. They do not have to buy, earn or inherit. The Crash focuses its on this point.
The conversations presents emotional roller coaster because its is dealing with contemporary deseast - the racial tension that still exists and ignorance of it that's presented in our everyday lives.
Mr. BRIDGES: (As Anthony) Man, look around you, man. You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better-lit part of this city right now. But yet this white woman sees two black guys who look like UCLA students strolling down the sidewalk, and her reaction is blind fear? ...We're the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of overcaffeinated white people patrolled by the trigger-happy LAPD. So you tell me: Why aren't we scared?
The move accomplishes to present complexity of daily battlefield of human experiences, stereoptypes regarding 'others and us' and strife to be a better human being.
This film and scenario presents 'crash' of ethnicities crashing into each other's lives accidentaly, unpredictably and influencing everything percieved.
A liberal wife is a racist, an honest immigrant turns into a potential killer, a young man who hates racism easily shoots a young black man, etc. 'The Crash' shows that fear is the most powerful sense and anger and hurt can exaggerate it to the level of unnecessary violence.
Haggis in Crash shows that racists do not necessarily have to be bad people, but also that decent citizens of all colors can be fierce racists.