They entered on the side of the Allies. (Britain, Russia ECT) to oppose the Axis Powers. (Japan, Germany, Italy)
Reliable sources
- Recent statistics and information
- Author and source listed
- .gov or .eud sites
UNreliable sources
- 20 year old statistics
- No author or sources listed
- .com or .net
The lord propietors, even tough the kind had full sovereignty over Carolina, were given some Powers to ensure to collect taxes and duties, establish civil structures and to keep order, also they could own some mineral field, they were avalaible to have some independent at some point.
The goverment of these colonies consisted in: A governor, a council and a populary elected assembly.
The goverments under propietary rule were similarly organized, the best know difference was who appointed the governing oficial, in these case could be the Lords Proprietors or the sovereign.
Additional money on Social Security can actually lead to an increased security in the country, something the military also wants to achieve.
Specifically, it will decrease a number of people in desperate positions who are more likely to commit crimes.
So for example, decreasing poverty can be more effective as a anti-terrorism measure because it decreases people's desperation, which often leads them to join gangs and terrorist groups.
This a hard question to answer because there are two correct answers; the Romans did establish the first code of law around 200 B.C. but they also lasted for 1000+ years. it is up to you one which to choose of the two but i know they were definitely not a socialist government. (explanation on why the answer isn't socialist government)
There were some precursors in ancient societies to modern systems like capitalism and socialism but ancient Rome was neither capitalist nor socialist. The economy was, at its core, agrarian and based on systems of tribute, patronage, and, to a lesser extent, commerce. This proves that the answer is most definitely not they had a socialist government