Wire transfer
Wire Transfer also known as remittance under the U.S. law is the electronic transfer of money which is carried out across a network that is run by several banks and money transfer agencies around the globe. With Wire Transfer, people at different parts of the Word can securely send money to individuals at other financial institution in any part of the world.
The following are important points to note about wire transfers:
1. It is an electronic transfer of funds across a network of banks and money transfer agencies around the world.
2. The individual or senders pays a transaction fee at their banks and must provide the receivers details including bank name and account number.
3. Wire transfers can take up to two working days to complete
4. The Office of Foreign Assets monitors and controls international wire payments, to prevent money laudering and funding of illegal activities like terrorism
The codes below implement the problem statements
public class Percentages {
public static void computePercent (int a,int b)
System.out.println(a+" is "+(a*100/b)+"% of "+b);
public static void main(String []args)
int a=2;
int b=5;
import java.util.*;
public class Percentages {
public static void computePercent (int a,int b)
System.out.println(a+" is "+(a*100/b)+"% of "+b);
public static void main(String []args)
Scanner s= new Scanner(;
int a=s.nextInt();
int b=s.nextInt();
The IF statement is a decision-making statement that guides a program to make decisions based on specified criteria. The IF statement executes one set of code if a specified condition is met (TRUE) or another set of code evaluates to FALSE.
If it works then no, if it doesn't then yes
Code Academy probably runs either way because it is not taking this as a intense class.
Reseat the new stick of RAM
Joe needs to reseat the new stick of the RAM. For that, he should gently release the clips which hold RAM in the correct posture, and one on each side. Joe is required to do this for each of the available memory modules. And then he will have the cautiously replace all the memory modules( 2 in number) through to DIMM slots which are on the motherboard. Make sure that you have noted down the locations of each notches on the RAM as well as the DIMM slots.