China is home to a retailer bigger than Walmart and Amazon
China has the second-largest number of billionaires, after the US
But the richest man in China is only the 21st richest person in the world
Chinese consumers spend $73 billion on luxury goods each year
China's export economy grew 954% between 1970 and 2010
Average household income in China has increased by over 400% in 10 years
It was Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. It became a sanctuary for Huguenots, the French Calvinists, who suffered persecution in France, and also for Jews who had flown from Spain and Portugal where their options were to convert or to be burned. There they could settle and worship. Jews invested in the local stock market and opened synagogues in Amsterdam.
Enlightment stressed the idea of natural lights. abd equality for all citizens. the ideas of the enlightenment flowed from Europe to the north American continent and sparked a revolution that made enlightened thought all the more popular back across the Atlantic:)