<span>to try people suspected of heresyto
drive the Muslims out of Spainto
recapture the Holy Land<span>to
solidify the Moorish influence in Spain</span></span>
Answer: Thanksgiving is a day celebrated all over America this holibay was started by the pilgrums whenn they travled from England to what was then considered the new world after a harsh first winter many of the settlers died after that a few freindly indians saw what had happened for example Squanto and decided to help so when spring came the went to the English settlers and taught them how to fish and hunt and plant corn so that htey could have food for the winter after they had harvested the food in the fall the Pilgrums threw a feast for the Indians as a thank you and now we celebrate that bay as Thanksgiving
that is as much as I could give you without getting to detailed just as you asked
As the chief executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes by constantly urging forbearance and give hope to those pro-segregation leader
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Letter from Jackie Robinson on Civil Rights.
The main reason that Jackie Robinson has to write his letter to President Eisenhower is that he hopes that the president will take immediate action to curb segregation laws at the federal level.
17 million Negroes cannot do as you suggest and wait for the hearts of men to change. We want to enjoy now the rights that we feel we are entitled to as Americans. This we cannot do unless we pursue aggressively goals which all other Americans achieved over 150 years ago.
As the chief executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes by constantly urging forbearance and give hope to those pro-segregation leaders like Governor Faubus who would take from us even those freedoms we now enjoy. Your own experience with Governor Faubus is proof enough that forbearance and not eventual integration is the goal the pro-segregation leaders seek.
In my view, an unequivocal statement backed up by action such as you demonstrated you could take last fall in dealing with Governor Faubus if it became necessary, would let it be known that America is determined to provide—in the near future—for Negroes—the freedoms we are entitled to under the constitution.
D. Whites and black afracains