both use an axe as their murder weapon
The virus affects people through every thing from going out to get grocerys to going to work, a lot of people have been let off, causing even more problems.
Answer: The journal of someone who was there at the time.
Explanation: The journal of a person who was present at the fall of the Berlin wall would be a perfect source, or footage of the event, or anything first-person. People who were actually there and participated are always the best sources for any historical event. (:
1. Poker faced dude in a building eating a doughnut, back facing a bunch of people holding protestor-cards.
2. A woman holding a sweater for a dude whose hands are up.
3. A sketch of the building but with 102 floors.
That's all i could come up with
ummmmmmm mmmm my guy what are you asking ?