With the increase or decrease of the prices of substitutes, the demand of the substitute goods also decreases or increases.
Substitutes are the products which can be used in place of another product. For example, a cup of coffee can be taken instead of a cup of tea, or Coke can be taken instead of Pepsi.
Change in the price of Substitutes can affect the demand of other substitutes. If the price of a product increases, then the demand of its substitute increases, and if the price of the product decreases, then the demand of its substitute also decreases.
We can understand this relation with an example. Suppose the product is tea. The substitute of tea is coffee. If the price of tea increases, then people will definitely move towards the substitute, which is coffee. This will increase the demand for coffee. Similarly, if the price of tea decreases, people will buy more tea than coffee, which will decrease the demand for coffee. This is how the substitutes affect demand of each other.
Learn more about substitutes at:
Pavlov's theory of stimulus substitution is the combination of several techniques that are called the spectrum of the umbrella in classical conditioning. It occurs with the pairing with the new stimulus to the already conditioned stimulus. When this procedure occurs new stimulus paired with the conditioned stimulus, there are chances of replacing already conditioned stimulus with a new stimulus.
We can take an example of a rat that is to be conditioned to respond to a whistle which related to fed then can add a flashlight as a signal with a whistle. When light is there then rat fed. The light signal is then substituted part of the whistle.
Answer: No but i might no someone who would like some help.
Answer&Explanation:This client is
penniless and homeless, and is struggling to make ends meet ,this means they can't eveb meet their basic needs (food,shelter, water and clothes). Due to this fact a person goes to a survival mode , where they try to find food ,clothing and permanently space to sleep.
This client has no money , no job and no one to help and guide them towards a positive change, they need to take urgent step to change or they may face jail time and hopping from shelter to shelter as their solution and plenty other illegal activities.